Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Prongs1977 posted a comment on Friday 12th June 2009 6:14am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Loving it so far, can't wait for more. By the way, is this story going to go all the way through sixth year, or be a "summer story", followed by a sixth, then seventh year, story?

nublar posted a comment on Monday 13th April 2009 1:23pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Brilliant story, I'm looking forward to more. Thanks for the great read, and sorry for the short and banal review.

Ohhhdear posted a comment on Tuesday 7th April 2009 3:26pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Fascinating tale. I truly appreciate the depth and reality that belief in God, redemption from sin and living the faith you believe adds to the story. It's a shame there are detractors who marginalize both our Christian heritage and the value of aligning ourselves with it in a personal way. They simply don't understand, do they?
Unlike JKR, I appreciate a strong Harry who doesn't waffle and moan . The Paladin universe is (in my opinion) far more satisfying. May God bless you and yours!

Brigrove posted a comment on Tuesday 10th March 2009 11:46pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

still can't understand how the wizarding public let Fudge remain after it was shown that he'd been lying about Voldemort's return, but I loved the manoeuvring in this chapter.

Anansii posted a comment on Thursday 5th March 2009 6:05pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Just discovered and read this story. Goodness - Harry Potter Magical Hacker, Venture Capitalist, Diplomat, Politician and deadliest fighter in the magical world - and all in one summer! This is fun; keep up the good work!

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 2nd March 2009 6:15am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I've wondered about your presentation of Wizard politics. It is rather odd that it is so unrepresentative. Even the Muggles have the House of Commons to balance the House of Lords. One might say that the Muggles have advanced beyond the Wizards (plausible given dress, etc.), yet your Wizarding world is more advanced (e.g., the Magna Magicae Carta was the predecessor and model for the Magna Carta). Further, even the Muggle House of Lords has a minority of inherited seats. Absent a totalitarian form of government, I am surprised there has not been a rebellion long ago of the "commoners" against such a biased system (particularly since Muggle-borns and Half-bloods tend to be more powerful -- and more plentiful?). Well, at least Harry and Arthur seem to be planning a change.
What happened to Umbridge's vote? She controlled Arthur's 46, which were returned to him, and forfeited hers. Shouldn't Arthur, as part of the punishment contol her vote, at least until she (if she can) pays the term of the punishment.
I continue to be amazed that Fudge is still hanging on to his power. The great embarrassment his continued failures (in canon only the revelation that Harry was telling the truth about Voldemort's return was necessary to unseat him) presents would surely have turned many (if not most) of the middle-roaders against him (with the exception of Umbridge and Sheets and maybe a few other of their ilk). How many votes do Sheets and Fudge carry if Harry with 27 is second to Umbridge's 47? I would also imagine the return of the Weasley votes would also carry a lot of middle-roaders away from the Sheets-Fudge cabal that is no longer a majority.
It seems likely that Sheets will now be forced to direct violence. And that should lead badly to her demise (at least in terms of loss of votes). Sheet's threats may have cowed many Wizengamot members from opposing the cabal. But the repeated failures (3 now) should make many braver to oppose her; her bark is certainly seen to be far worse than her bite.
Next up? Dawlish's big mistake and swift end under Harry. (BTW, if Dawlish is an auror; I'm surprised Bones, the DMLE director, hasn't put him under investigation -- ah, of course, Fudge is all powerful).

ironau posted a comment on Thursday 26th February 2009 11:52am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I just finished reading this story for the first time. Like everything on it is very well written.

I'm only left wondering when Harry will realize that his "Lessons" on defense are actually selling Mongered spells via the news paper.

dennisud posted a comment on Monday 23rd February 2009 11:54am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

This has been 3 days of solid reading for me when not working. I like this world you have created yet a few of the characters are IMHO underused.

Luna given her unique perspectives as well as more from the DE camp might make things even more interesting.

Overall I love the plotline and how Harry has developed here.

as has been said you have laid the foundation well, we now need to dee more action and a bit more speed in the timeline.


DJ posted a comment on Sunday 22nd February 2009 10:11am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Great fic I just reread the whole story. I have a question can you tell me with chapter Harry go in to Busines together? I only saw it in this last chapter. Thanks so much for writting.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Sunday 22nd February 2009 5:16am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Good chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.

Laura Wagner posted a comment on Saturday 21st February 2009 5:12am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Congratulations on another great chapter! This one had a nice combination of various scenes that moved the story along a lot. I also liked the ending because it ended stongly and gave me something to think about while I wait for another chapter :)

Vyrexuviel posted a comment on Wednesday 18th February 2009 12:17pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

One of the most well-thought-out Harry Potter fanfics I've ever read. Intriguing, thought-provoking, and an engaging read! I hope to see new chapters of this fic up soon!

stealacandy posted a comment on Wednesday 18th February 2009 7:33am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!


I skimmed through this story, would like to read it sometime in the future when I have the time.

Just wanted to know, how do I submit it for alerts? Can't seem to find anything that says "submit this story to story alerts" anywhere.



Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2009 8:25am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. I like a lot of what's happening between Harry & Hermione and how it's dveloping additional spiritual dimensions. Meanwhile, Ron seems to be suffereing from "opened mouth before brain engaged" problems than usual; hopefully learning to deal with things by way of strategies will help mature him beyond this. I do like how Harry's life is developing personally, professionally, politically, and spiritually as he becomes the man and wizard he needs to be. With the moves he's taking with The Quibbler, he's undoubtedly going to be making more enemies than friends, especially if he returns Rita to the honest and unfearing reporter she started out as (nice tough, that, BTW). I suspect Fudge, Sheets, Umbridge, and Tommy-boy are not going to enjoy these developments; nor do I suspect Severus Snape is going to be overjoyed. *chuckle* If anything, I expect Albus may be rather bemused by all the changes happening and his not seeing them.

kainboa posted a comment on Tuesday 17th February 2009 12:03am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

great chapter as usual, i'm slightly in a daze at the moment, having read the entire chapter in one go, but i can honestly say that i admire your ability to make words come to life.

keep up the brilliant work :)

Mesterio posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 11:05am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Well written! Can't wait to see Fudge out of office.

James Barber posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 9:02am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

WoW, was bored out of my mind kinda of days...when I suddenly found you had updated this outstanding story! To Tell you the truth I had kinda of forgotten about this story, since it takes you 6 to 8 months or longer to update...Well I'm glad you did...also I'm glad you finally remember that the weasley rite to vote was being hidden from them, and you did it in such a well done fashion too. to bad part of his votes also didnt come from sheets... Now if we can just get jeconais and bobmin to update!

Infin1x posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 5:45am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

As always I am amazed by your ability to go into so much detail without getting boring or making it feel like a info dump.

Excellent work.

Deborahsu posted a comment on Monday 16th February 2009 3:21am for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

I already told you in the other story, but since you post both, I'll review both :-)

I'm so glad to see an update! These parallel stories have got to take a good bit of time to work on, so I do understand, particularly since life happens in the meantime.

I like what Harry is doing with the Wizengamot and everything else, really. Getting Arthur in and Umbridge out is truly a turn for the better! Now let's see how and if Ron resolves HIS issues!

W Mayberry posted a comment on Sunday 15th February 2009 4:52pm for Chapter Twenty-Two - A Day That Will Live In Infamy!

Yeah, New Chapter! :p Always happy to see more of the Paladin stories! Hope your muse and RL let the next chapter post quickly.
