Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Raven Laehnart posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 6:00pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Clarinda Jordan's: For the How and Now of Wizarding Fashion.

Paul10 posted a comment on Tuesday 12th February 2008 12:44am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

jordan's robes for all occasions nice and simple quite to the point lol and great story so far i plannin on readin gsptiw (can u guess waht that meens it not a typo lol) but its like six storys down my list as it is very simalar to this one
ne ways great story hope to c more chapters soon

Melferd posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 11:06am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Clarinda's Closet? Too trite?

I just finished all the Jane Austin. I'm an official addict. Harry Potter's great, and you are a brilliant, gifted writer, but THIS IS JANE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. Please do the dishes, vaccum and shop to enable more Jane soon!!!!!

Regal Robes? too snotty? Radical Rags? Radical Robes? Robe Revloution? bah, no wonder I'm a stay at home mommy....

Millie Johanson posted a comment on Friday 30th November 2007 6:40pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

The Granger Defense
Great Scott this is war

I am reading the second one as I am a H&G fan but you keep referring to TGD is this going to be simular but with H&Hr?
my email is
Good luck and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Miss Millie

brad posted a comment on Sunday 18th November 2007 2:02am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Heh. Nice note on which to finish. :-)

Entertaining chapter, although I think it went rather long on the pedagogy, which tends to be rather dry after a while. Where is the death eater action and Harry dropping boulders on their heads when you need them? :-)

Still, a nice illustration of of the 'power efficiency' of mongered spells. And Harry's aim to empower everyday wizards and witches is a noble cause.

"pin-up girl for Ravenclaw" - heh! Glad you're continuing to work on this story.

kainboa posted a comment on Wednesday 14th November 2007 4:04am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

great chapter as usual, love how harry explains the mongering to hermione.

keep up the great work :)

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 12th November 2007 5:16am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Great chapter.

Mesterio posted a comment on Thursday 8th November 2007 7:30pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

I absolutely loved all of your chapters. I couldn't stop reading, it was that good. I found the whole concept of Harry's Mongering to be simply "brilliant" as other characters so often stated after Harry got past the first bad impressions. I can't wait for the next chapter, and i hope you update soon.

Patches posted a comment on Tuesday 6th November 2007 9:54am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

This is really good. I like the way you are bringing Harry and Hermione along. Of course he thinks he can't have a girlfriend until Moldyshorts is gone. It wouldn't be Harry otherwise. I really like the spell mongering Harry is doing. That is really a great idea. I love all your stories and this is one of the best.
For a store title: Clarinda's All Occasion Witch and Wizard wear!
I know it is a little long but it covers everthing! I'll keep my fingers crossed. pms

Jarrod posted a comment on Monday 5th November 2007 2:50am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Sweet, the story with the philosophy discussions in it is back. Honestly the thing I like best is the fact that you are analyzing and expanding on what started as a children's book and have expanded it to be something that is fun to read and makes you think.

A couple of Clarinda's name ideas for you
CCC - Clarinda's Cache of Clothing
CCC - Clarinda's Celestial Clothier

simons_flower posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 7:20pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

I've been a fan of other authors on this site for a while and decided to click on your link one day.

Since then, I've obsessively read this fic. (I tend to read obsessively to begin with, not unlike Hermione.)

I'm loving the detail you've put into this. I really enjoy all more-than-normal Harry fics, but especially ones like this one that bring that super!Harry part out naturally, nurturing it through subsequent chapters.

Can't wait to read more.

Craig St.Onge posted a comment on Sunday 4th November 2007 3:02pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Well, to leave the review of this almost pains me.
Mostly because I leave reviews once I read up to the current chapter that an author does, meaning I am now having to wait for more!
And that waiting kills me, for I want more of this one.

As for constructive criticism, the only thing I have to mention is a very slight jumping from topic to topic. Nothing really bad, but it might just be my personal preference. Feel free to flame me for that though, I accept it since I am giving the criticism.

I do enjoy your view of Spell Mongering, and have very much taken to that idea. The concept is very good, and makes sense in a very weird, one could almost say magical, way.

And to finish up this review, as a name of the new clothing store, why not settle with something that makes a statement. With most Magical businesses having their family name in there, maybe the name would be something like Clothing by Jordans, or Jordan's Clothing Bazaar, or possibly Jordan's Wardrobe?

Thank you for producing a story which has captivated and enthralled me!

The Phoenix in the Abyss,

Rick D Gale posted a comment on Friday 2nd November 2007 12:03pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Great chapter! A good way to get Harry and Hermione closer together and to understand each other better.

I'd love to see Harry put out a spell monger's version of each years spells, charms and transfigurations. The cost of the book would cover the mongering fees. He could even put a special section in each spell to insure they were not used to injury another person or thing - kind of like a trial program, everything is the same as the real thing, but you just can't 'save' your work in the progam.

Well, anyway, I love your work.

I look forward to your next chapter.


Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Thursday 1st November 2007 11:28am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

How absolutely amazing! You truly are in the "Elite Class" of authors. I am truly greatful for your story and can't wait for you to finish. In the meantime, I am going to go back and read all of your other writings. Thank you for the hours of sheer pleasure living in your world!

Rasec posted a comment on Thursday 1st November 2007 9:49am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Clarinda's Pulp Fashions for witches and wizards

zukertort posted a comment on Wednesday 31st October 2007 10:56am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

A suggestion to Clarinda's shop: Jordan's Stitches

I chose it by way of exclusion: Attire evinces too much formality, Garment evokes generality and I felt it somewhat commonplace, just like Apparel.

Stiches sound nice (as there is no vocal disturbance between the two words unlike, i.e. "Jordan's Garments"), and seems impartial enough to not imply that such store is focused on being either "girly" or "boyish", all the while maintaining an air of modernity to Hogwarts' students as well as decade long graduates. (Well at least for me anyway).

Just my two cents!

zukertort posted a comment on Wednesday 31st October 2007 9:58am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Absolutely one of the best stories out there. I find that economy and political twists and turns are heavily underused in HP fanfiction, at least from my current experience.

Love your work and the long chapters.

liquidfyre posted a comment on Wednesday 31st October 2007 5:34am for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date


cackles insanely

good story update though was worth ihe wait i think

Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Tuesday 30th October 2007 9:31pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

Your idea of fluff is discussing quantum physics!!(LOL)
please,please ask your wife to write something for us about your marriage proposal.did you discuss newton's laws before you went down on your knees?
hey,don't get me wrong,i like your writing very much,but this is priceless.:D

morriganscrow posted a comment on Tuesday 30th October 2007 6:51pm for Chapter Seventeen - Private Lesson or First Date

CbC - Clothes by Clarinda.
Excellent story. I am so sucked into this now!
I have read all 17 chapters in one sitting and loved them. I am now, like an addict, hanging out for my next fix.
For interests' sake, I'm off to read the sister story now.