Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Brigrove posted a comment on Tuesday 10th March 2009 2:47am for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

nice end scene there. Oh and a pity he didn't blow Snape away, but we can't have everything. About time someone showed Dumbledore where he was wrong too

John Wilburn posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 1:51pm for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

When I was a teenager, one term for kissing was smooching. A kiss was also called a smooch.
Of course, it's been a very long time since I was a teenager.

morriganscrow posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 10:57pm for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

As to words for kissing - pashing, smootching, necking, second base, frenching. These are all used here in Oz. Tonsil hockey too.
Great story. Must go - more chapters to read!

fountaam posted a comment on Wednesday 16th May 2007 3:17pm for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

I think the meeting in Dumbledore's office was too stilted. I think Harry would want more acknowledgment that the past was bad, and that there should have been a bit more emphasis on that in the beginning, rather than all at the end.

The what's done is done approach doesn't work if there isn't change.

Melissa posted a comment on Saturday 10th February 2007 10:24am for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

American slang for kissing- Playing a game of Tonsil Hockey.

Hope this is helpful,
Yours, Melissa AKA Silentwings

slasheh posted a comment on Monday 8th January 2007 3:35am for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

i love your story, though i must admit i have been wondering why you haven't updated it here, while other sites have 2 chapters more available.

potterfrkintx posted a comment on Saturday 23rd December 2006 2:49pm for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

Other words for kissing could be... lip lock, tonsil hockey, tongue wrestling, there are others but I can't think of anything right now.

Great chapter by the way. Spell mongering sounds fantastic. :D * Can't remember any of my other reviews if I've left them. lol * Keep up the good work and update soon!!


DJ posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 5:37pm for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

Ok I first I love this whole story. Second I love th bit with Harry and Dumbledore grate stuff. Third I do NOT care who Harry is with Hermione,Ginny or any Female but you have got to put H&Hr on the same page. Even when she is all about the rules she watchs his back in this last bit she is not doing that she is just being a pain in the but. I hope you get them togher soon even if not in a love sence whitch seems ware you are going at some point. Last sorry for the ramble and I hope you update soon.

Papa MidNite posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 5:27pm for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

Great story so far, the chapter 8 battle was one of the best Ive read so far. I also think it is interesting that you invoive religion, Ive never seen that in a fanfic

loralee posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 1:09pm for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

Great chapter, I love this story.
I haven't looked at the reviews so sorry if i duplicate anyone's suggestions.
swaping spit, playing kissy face, tooth swabing, and smootching

James Barber posted a comment on Friday 22nd December 2006 12:12am for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

Hey outstanding story but I noticed something if this was real life then all these explanations wouldnt be happening would it?

but anyway its the same ole story: Hey I'm a parselmouth but does that make me evil? or hey I own a wand that with two words can kill does that make me evil? or hey I can go buy a gun and with one pull of the trigger can kill does that make me evil? no it is the intent of the user that determines if you or the item is evil or not!

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 3:46pm for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

Outstanding chapter. How about "Double Lip Lock"


Prince Charon posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 11:35am for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

You really are very good at this.

Lots of things that needed to be said, were. With any luck, they'll be listened to.

Thank you for the update.

More soon, please.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 10:49am for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

Hmm, it seems that Hermione still has her fascination with books and authority, though it's slowly wearing off. I suspect this will work further on it. Good reading, both versions.

Crys posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 10:06am for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

Still think Harry laminating that battle barrier in place just to hose off Snape is one of the best parts of the chapter.

Hmm. Hermione getting all hot under the collar about his mongering . . . Not so sure that I agree with the "if she picks a fight with him, she likes him" philosophy. Considering canon, I suppose I can't argue it, though.

Looking forward to where this goes as it appears that the divergence is going to be growing more and more as the chapters progress.

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Wednesday 20th December 2006 5:05am for Chapter Eleven - Conversations and Confrontations

Harry's certainly become very grown-up now, hasn't he? That's an interesting approach--acknowledging that DD's screwed up seriously mroe than once but setting it firmly in the past.

So what was with the Paladin girls going after Harry off schedule? And why didn't it effect Hermione when they met at lunch?

As for the differences between GS and GD, I thought Hermione was surprisingly unsupportive of Harry in GD. And poor Ginny barely shows up at all in either version. Not even a warm exchange of smiles when they met up...

Still, very good chapter(s), thanks for sharing them with us.