Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Tira Misu posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 9:42pm

OMG update! JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mickey posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 9:36pm

Very nice chapter, although I found Dumbledore's insistence on going through official channels (something I can't recall him ever doing in canon) odd.

If I didn't say this before I really like the belivable way you've got Harry and Milli get together.

Oh and I hate you for the ending :-)
Hope you update soon

Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 8:54pm

LOL at Princess Centi. I like Harry's attack on Dumbledore and the scenes between the aurors. I wasn't so sure of Ron's reaction to Millicent but it works within the fic. Binderly was very funny, especially the way he decided Harry needed to kiss Centi. Nice turn of the tables.

Ouch! Poor Harry. That was quite a cruel ending. Good to see this continued. More please. I wonder if he'll grow beyond his projected height of another three inches.

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 8:02pm

I like what you've done for Miss Bulstrode. I can't see her staying in Slytherin though. Is going to take on a new ID?

morriganscrow posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 6:21pm

Wonderful chapter.
I do love your version of Centi, a grossly overlooked character, and you write her beautifully.

noylj posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 6:10pm

Well, re-reading since it has been awhile. Thanks for updating. Don't forget the other stories. I hope that Centi can be helped, since one thing I think Harry deserves is at least a pleasant-looking partner. Of course, for the hell he goes through, I always wish that he could have several concubines to keep him happy and entertained.
You have beautifully summarized my whole position on Dumbles and Snape and do not agree with canon that these two men deserve any kind thoughts. Death to tyrants and manipulative puppetmasters.

berni posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 4:56pm

aw, that seems like millicent's first 'care about harry' moment. check whether her mouth is working, ha. awesome chapter! can't wait for more!

mjc posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 3:46pm

OK...where to begin...



This one is turning out, I don't know, more refined? than the other Paladin stories. Plus the somewhat 'snarky' Harry, a definite plus.

Ron needs a bit more than a mallet...maybe a Wagner #10 firmly applied to that box of rocks sitting atop his shoulders? How can someone not named Crabbe or Goyle be so dense?

And, just what are you doing to Harry now?

FenrisWolf posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 3:35pm

I knew it. I *knew* as soon as I read the synopsis you would insist on the cliche', that since Hermione wasn't with Harry, she *must* choose Ron as her boyfriend, despite the fact that you're writing him as an even greater waste of space than usual. Why? WHY!?! WHY?!? Doesn't Hermione have a brain, or is she just so sompletely overpowered by Weasley Pheromones (and there's a disgusting thought) that her brain has shut down?

nancy in chicago posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 2:41pm

I'm very much enjoying this version of this story. I think the other 2 are so close, it's confusing, this one is just fun! & I like this pairing, since it's so unusual & to do it well, like you are doing, is a challenge (for you) & a delght (for me).

nancy in chicago

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 1:56pm

Excellent chapter, although I'm surprised Centi was able to move to hold him...or did he scream for the full remaining two and a half hours of her reaction? Yikes!!!

Jim_xinu posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 1:53pm

Great chapter! Hogwart's security really sucks, doesn't it?

So, I'm guessing Harry's going to get something closer to his original full 6ft plus height and a nice power boost out of this. The question is, was it just Harry being Harry, or something to do with the eye-speak spell with Centi, or what?

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Wonderbee31 posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 1:24pm

Wow. This next chapter here just continues to drive this story up past so many fics that I've read. The developing relationship between Harry and Millicent feels very natural and unforced, not at all like a relation or two from canon(won't say anymore, LOL), and I can see them bonding like they have here.

Snape continues to ask for a slap or three, and Dumbledore continues to be so oblivious sometimes that it's just incredible. DE's get into the infirmary, and he seems to play around with them and then complains when Harry does what he does very well in this fic, stops them cold. Really enjoyed the way that the Doctor described things here, and the way that Harry charged in, though Ron...Ron, is very simplistic in his views at times.

Given that, he still needs a good smack as well for his big mouth, and honestly thought Harry was going to do just that for a bit. Don't wager that Gin will be happy that Harry and Centi have gotten closer, though it was sweet the way the kiss happened here. Very well done, and can't wait to see the next part of this, what has become one of my favorites of all the stories I currently read.

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 25th February 2008 12:57pm

Definitely a different take on the Paladin program here.

Dumbledore remains completely obtuse...and while the Harry/Milicent pairing is growing on me still feels slightly off in terms of interaction between the characters.

Thanks for writing,

brad posted a comment on Thursday 27th December 2007 8:20am

Sometimes your stories, various chapters, skirt the borderline of "too much Harry", if you know what I mean. A Harry who is *too* powerful, too clever, too bombastic, too confident, telling everyone from Dumbledore down exactly how to do things and what's wrong with them all. Which is good fun in a fanfic,
but only in small doses. I thought we got too much full-on Harry in this chapter. Too much "but you can't do that! / Yes I did!". "no warrior can
fight on indefinitely" / but Harry did. A portkey "loses all other magical enhancements" - but not in Harry's case. "There's no such thing as a fireball
spell that size" - but there is. Trussing up a head of house and then the headmaster. Lecturing the entire staff, ordering them around. And so forth. For me it was just too much, too quickly. I liked the earlier chapters - you do super!Harry action very well (at least until he becomes *too* over-the-top powerful) - but the chapters where Harry lectures everyone else, like this one, full of didactic dialogue, drags.

I was pleased/thankful to read that Harry and Millicent had finally reached Hogwarts - safe at last!

Cute way to get Harry and 'Centi' together, and to organise their dates, by having Harry (nobly) offer to run his own Paladin training in synchronisation with her. (I've lost track of why he's so powerful here, in this AU story, if he hasn't yet finished the course of treatment?)

cwejr posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 2:41am

I hope there isn't a long wait for another chapter. This story is great and I want more.

cwejr posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 1:34am

This story is addictive. Thank you.

o.T posted a comment on Wednesday 12th December 2007 4:47am

When Snape started spewing his diatribe and Harry worked up and released his Righteous Indignation(tm) at him and then at Albus, I had a flash of him saying "This is Sparta!" and kicking Snape into a hole or something. Just mad. You're one of the few authors I can read who writes without smut; I mean it's hard, but I can handle it.

Can't wait for the next update!

Detrimus posted a comment on Thursday 6th December 2007 3:59am

Whoa. But also, cool. I never really get to see Millicent/Harry pairings and they're usually evil or just poorly written. This was neither.

Can't wait for the next update.

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 1st December 2007 2:26pm

"Failure was not an attractive option."

My compliments, that's an absolutely classic line.