Content Harry Potter Jane Austen by Pamela St Vines


Rocky235 posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 3:17am

That was a swell fight scene. One thing that made it different from any I've seen before was more and more DEs kept appearing. Everytime I thought it over, nope, more bad guys showed up.

Your writing is perfect. Excellent dialog, no typos, good grammar, and my favorite, varried sentence structure. It was a pleasure to read.

The story's not bad either.

EricThorsen posted a comment on Thursday 28th February 2008 2:56am

Interesting... I like the way you are writing Dumbledore and Ron as more stubborn than malicious. All to often their unthinking, wrongheadedness comes across as intent, but you've successfully avoided that pitfall. It will be interesting to see how this story continues to develop.

KenF posted a comment on Wednesday 27th February 2008 12:57am

I enjoyed the kissing prank.

The problem with trying to knock sense into Ron is that non-lethal blows don't get his attention :)

jimnjoye posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 6:27pm

Great Chapter! Thanks for updating this, I am really enjoying it.

sanghamitra posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 4:05pm

Brilliant chapter. I wonder why everybody enjoys Ron bashing, though in canon Harry and Ron seem to share same sentiments, in fanon Harry grows up while Ron goes prat. If you can mature your Harry so can you mature Ron.
And, it's simply not Human to kick a sick person, even if it is you're supposed enemy. So why exactly would Ron do that. He could still have asked those questions just in a more hushed manner. Oh well ... artistic license and so on, but I expected better.

fountaam posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 3:04pm

Augh! A horrible cliffhanger - hope you give us more on this one before the other 2..

Cassandra posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 1:34pm

Nice. The level of detail is amazing in this story. Of course I didn't expect anything less, but it is always nice to be surprised. By the way you are evil for the cliff hanger. Wow! This has to top on the lists of evil cliff hangers! I sincerely hope you update soon. Great Job on your story.

zac posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 11:21am

wow that was intense. very nice.

Joseph Schuler posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 10:59am

Fantastic chapter. Curious chapter title though.

This story is proving to be just as good as the other Paladin Universe stories.

Too quote Oliver Twist, "May I have some more, please."

texasranger_10 posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 10:01am

why does ever authur have to make harry hurt so much. but it was a good chappy none the less.

Patches posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 9:27am

Wow! This is such a powerful story. Of course Harry has been through the ringer with injuries and the Paladin potion and everything else he has gone through. Then to watch Millicent be treated so badly by Snape and everyone else. That has to rub his Gryfindor nerves raw. Now to go through hell with the regeneration potion is really terrible. Being Harry though he will get through it. At least Millicent is doing thr right thing. Holding him and doing what she can to help him. The Doctor and Pomphrey pulling the prank on them was great though. I am so glad they turned it back on them. That was priceless. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. pms

warpwizard posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 8:00am

Good chapter. Very meaty.

Christopher Patton posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 5:23am

This is an amazing chapter, I have to say that I'm enjoying this story much more than the other two that are on parallel storylines.

I like the flow of this chapter and I like the character development in this chapter. The confrontations between Harry and Ron as well as between Harry and Dumbledore are very well written.

I will most definitely be looking forward to more of this story.

oso983 posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 5:05am

Its great to have you back! When does the next chapter come?

Crys posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 4:58am

> "Always giving people the benefit of the doubt," I sneered.
*sigh* AD, you're heart's in the right place, but you have much too much faith in humanity.

Ouch. That potion looked like it hurt.
[Crys's PotterMuse smacks him. "Duh! That's what Aaran St Vines was trying to point out, you blithering idiot!"
"You don't sound very British."
Crys's PotterMuse smacks him again.]

Hmm. Looks like Harry will
A) become much more powerful
B) make his 6'2"

*ponder* Wonder if Snape's oath will kill him. Or if AD (and his vaunted expertise) had something to do with this.

oldman posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 4:25am

Hi again!
I only read this because I was anxiously waiting for updates on Granger defense and Great Scott Potter. With this story your story telling ability does not waiver in the slightest!! It's great and full of surprises.
Thankyou but please do not neglect the others.


bonnie posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 3:59am

This was a very good chapter. I like the relationship developing between Harry and Centi. And that Harry is noticing more what's going on around him such as when the aurors came after the attack and voicing his opinions in a very mature if sometimes angry way. I'm really enjoying this story. Hope you update again soon.

noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 1:38am

What a horrible way to end the chapter! I assume that they haven't had the botched potion yet in this story or did I miss something at the beginning? I would like to think that you are only a day or two away from posting the next chapter, but I suspect that it will be a while.

Kinsfire posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 1:37am

I forget - in this one, has Harry been told about the oath that Dumbles took in order to remain sane? The oath that pretty much dooms the British wizarding world for as long as Dumbles tries to run the war effort?

Actually, knowing that oath, his actions are criminal. He probably knows this as well.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Ron might not come around until such point as he's managed to permanently damage his friendship with Harry.

Excellent work on this story.

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Tuesday 26th February 2008 12:47am

WOW! Great chapter! I greatly enjoyed the whole thing especially harry's repeated smackdowns on dumbles. Very good. The bits with snape were well done. The surgery stuff was excellent also! Cheers!!!